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ransomware attack

Why Ransomware Attacks Are a Threat to Your Lab

  Have you and your lab management team noticed the major…

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Change Healthcare Hit by Major Cyberattack

CEO SUMMARY: It was a classic ransomware attack against Change Healthcare, the business unit of Optum that is itself a division of UnitedHealth Group. On Feb. 21, this cyberattack shut down critical systems at Change Healthcare, such as those involved in accepting and forwarding prescript…

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Ransomware Attacks Target Vulnerable Healthcare Providers

This is an excerpt of a 1,923-word article in the May 24, 2021 issue of  THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Both malware and ransomware have been around for a number of years. But the attacks launched today …

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Ransomware Attackers Target Health Providers

CEO SUMMARY: Both malware and ransomware have been around for a number of years. But the attacks launched today against healthcare providers are more sophisticated and better at achieving the total shutdown of targeted hospitals, doctor groups, and clinical laboratories. For this re…

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