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practice management software

Lab Test Ordering On Web Presents Tough Challenges

CEO SUMMARY: During 1999, many factors pointed to the speedy introduction of Web-based lab test ordering between physicians’ offices and their laboratory providers. Several credible players, like Healtheon/ WebMD (now WebMD) and Advanced Health Technologies, held numerous contracts to i…

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Web-based Test Ordering Is A “Tough Nut To Crack”

CEO SUMMARY: Shifting office-based physicians to Web-accessed lab test ordering proved to be a daunting task for WebMD and its early competitors. Probably the most significant discovery is that modest capabilities of existing software technology and the lack of Internet broadband connecti…

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Eight Trends Reshaping Clinical Lab Services

CEO SUMMARY: Once again, THE DARK REPORT’S annual list of lab industry trends deals less with government regulation and influence on laboratory operations and more with the impact of new technologies and new management philosophies. Marketplace acceptance of these lab industry trends is…

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