Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



pathology network

Single-Specialty Path PPMs Posting Strong Growth, Profits

CEO SUMMARY: Although the financial travails of the physician practice management (PPM) industry are widely known, there is little recognition that a number of single-specialty PPMs are doing well. This is true of pathology, where at least six pathology-based PPMs still remain in business…

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Pathology Profession Facing New Directions

CEO SUMMARY: Big changes ahead during the next decade. Among the predictions: the number of two and three-pathologist group practices will radically diminish; pathology centers of excellence will achieve new market dominance; and…ever more intense competition for anatomic pathology spec…

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“October 11, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Here’s a hats-off to Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (OCD). At a time when everything in the healthcare system seems to be taking things away from clinical laboratories, OCD has organized a worthwhile laboratory management best practices day for its most loyal customers. Started four ye…

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Labs Entering New Cycle Of Evolution and Change

CEO SUMMARY: As some of the nation’s most astute and forward-looking lab executives prepare to gather in New Orleans for the fourth annual EXECUTIVE WAR COLLEGE, it is time to share our assessment of the laboratory and pathology industry. Recent events presage another profound …

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Movers & Shakers For ’99 Demonstrate Leadership

EACH YEAR IT BECOMES more difficult to make final selections for our annual Movers & Shakers awards. The reason is simple. Today there are more examples of leadership in the laboratory than when we first started these selections three years ago. This is a good omen. It means that the crucible of…

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DIANON Wins Contract, Buys Kyto Meridien Lab

CEO SUMMARY:Anatomic pathology took another forward step on the managed care battleground. DIANON Systems, Inc. gained status as a provider of anatomic pathology services under the new master agreement announced by Oxford Health Plans. DIANON’s success demonstrates that anatomic patholo…

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PPM Giant MedPartners Exits Doctor Management

THIRD IN A SERIES WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN the largest companies in a multibillion dollar industry announce that they will “get out” of that business? That is the question which must be answered after MedPartners, Inc. joined PhyMatrix Corp. in p…

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PathSOURCE Is Newest Pathology Consolidator

CEO SUMMARY: Based in New York, PathSOURCE becomes the newest pathology network and services company to hit the market. PathSOURCE’s organizers want to link “best in class” dermatopathologists and academic pathology subspecialists to compete for outreach pathology specimens. PathSOU…

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“June 2, 1997 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

With commercial laboratories pressing hospital laboratories for joint ventures, a unique selling proposition helps. MDS-AutoLab, Inc. of Canada has a different twist. They will not sell you their automated laboratory equipment. Instead, they offer it on a profit-sharing type of arran…

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Success Seems Elusive To Pathology Innovators

CEO SUMMARY: Attempts to organize pathology practice management companies encounter resistance and market impediments. Success requires an astute business plan and a sophisticated management team to convince pathologists to abandon proven practice models and affiliate with regional or nat…

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