pathology assistant
More AP Consolidation: Aurora Buys Two Groups
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXII No. 12 – August 24, 2015 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Seeing the changes overtaking pathology practices, Brazos Valley Pathology decided to sell two of its group practices to Aurora Diagnostics. Last month’s transaction was not designed to fix financial problems nor was it because of retiring pathologists. Rather, it …
Using Performance-Based Part A Hospital Path Contracts
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 9 – June 21, 2010 Issue
CEO Summary: One of pathology’s greatest challenges is adequate reimbursement for hospital Part A Pathology Services. Over the past two decades, ever more hospitals took steps to reduce or eliminate payment to pathologists for these services. Now several innovative pathology gr…
Pathologist Builds General Path Business From Office Lab
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 16 – November 27, 2006 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Doctors Pathology Services in Delaware is successful for two reasons. First it runs the largest pathology lab in the state. But more important, it runs one of the few successful mobile pathology services anywhere. The Mobile Intraoperative Consultation Service(MICS)allows the…
Measuring Daily Productivity of Pathologists Can Be Complex
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XI No. 14 – October 11, 2004 Issue
“Conflict in groups stems from trying to use one measurement system to meet all practice goals. This is the pitfall to avoid.” —Dennis Padget CEO SUMMARY: Productivity measurement systems are widely used outside the healthcare industry to bet…
Pathologist Activities Evolve In VA’s “Paperless” Hospitals
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XI No. 8 – June 7, 2004 Issue
“When a hospital or laboratory goes ‘paperless’, it’s no longer ‘business as usual’ for pathologists.” —Bruce Dunn, M.D. CEO SUMMARY: One outcome of the Veteran Administration’s (VA) ongoing effort to create a totally-integrated i…
Entrepreneur Offers Private Pay Autopsies
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 13 – September 29, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: For the past 14 years, a non-pathologist entrepreneur has enjoyed a growing business in offering autopsy services to clients willing to pay out-of-pocket. By design, the business is limited to the Southern California region. But demand in that region is enough to regularly en…
Veterans Administration Network Restructures Using Partnering, Telepathology
By Robert Michel | From the Volume V No. 12 – September 8, 1998 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Economic pressures are forcing even the traditional and staid Veterans Administration to extensively reconfigure its laboratory services. At this year’s Executive War College in New Orleans, participants learned how one eight-hospi…
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