new lab technologies
NEWSMAKER INTERVIEW: Ralph Taylor, CEO of Sysmex America
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XXV No. 3 – February 12, 2018 Issue
“Today, patients want to get diagnosis and treatment faster with fewer visits to the doctor’s office. They want speedier and more comprehensive delivery of clinical services, be it laboratory tests, imaging, or other procedures. Core laboratories have something unique and irreplacea…
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XXIV No. 16 – November 20, 2017 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Market clearance of the first-ever CLIA waived analyzer for complete blood count and three-part differential tests could cut time-to-answer from days to mere minutes for one of the top 20 tests by volume performed at core laboratories. Developer …
Bi-Annual Look at Trends Reshaping Clinical Labs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XII No. 2 – January 24, 2005 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Among other things, we declare the end to the heyday of the independent commercial lab company which offers a broad test menu to all types of office-based physicians. In its place springs forth the specialty or niche testing laboratory. Small and focused on a specific number …
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- Anatomic Pathology
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- Clinical Laboratory
- Clinical Laboratory Trends
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- IVD/Lab Informatics
- Lab Intelligence
- Lab Marketplace
- Lab Risk & Compliance
- Laboratory Automation
- Laboratory Billing
- Laboratory Compliance
- Laboratory Equipment
- Laboratory Information Systems
- Laboratory Management
- Lean Six Sigma
- Managed Care Contracts
- Molecular Diagnostics
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