Mark Birenbaum PhD
Passage of FDA Regulation of LDTs Inches Closer in the Senate
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXIX, No. 8 – June 6, 2022 Issue
CONGRESSIONAL LAWMAKERS ARE MOVING A BILL FORWARD that would give the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate laboratory-developed tests. There are many in the clinical laboratory profession who oppose any proposal to give the FDA regulatory oversight of LDTs. …
Congress May Soon Act on LDT, IVCT Regulation
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVIII, No. 16 – November 29, 2021 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Congress is gearing up for a debate on how to regulate laboratory-developed tests (LDTs) and other in vitro clinical tests (IVCTs). The VALID Act sets the stage for the FDA to take a greater role in pre-market review of LDTs, and the VITAL Act proposes to keep those tes…
Congress May Soon Act on IVCT, LDT Regulation
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVIII, No. 16 – November 29, 2021 Issue
This is an excerpt of a 2,017-word article in the November 29, 2021 issue of THE DARK REPORT (TDR). The full article is available to members of The Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: Congress is gearing up for a debate on …
MedPAC Reports to Congress on Issues in Lab Test Price Survey
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVIII, No. 13 – September 27, 2021 Issue
IN THE HALLS OF CONGRESS, A GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS STORY is unfolding around the multi-year cuts to the prices Medicare pays for clinical laboratory tests. First the good news. In its latest semi-annual report to Congress, the Medicare Payment …
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