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management contracts

Private Equity Firms: Ready to Buy More Labs?

CEO SUMMARY: Times are good in the laboratory industry. At least that’s the opinion of a growing number of professional investors. They are searching throughout the country for laboratories to acquire. They are motivated by the consistent financial performance of many lab companies, bot…

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New OIG Opinion 05-08 On Phlebotomy Fees

CEO SUMMARY: At the request of a yet-unidentified laboratory, the Office of the Inspector General issued Advisory Opinion 05-08 last month. It is a negative opinion on a proposed arrangement where a laboratory would reimburse client physicians as much as $6 for each blood draw performed b…

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Number of Hospital Deals Declines Again in 2000

CEO SUMMARY: Probably the single biggest contributing factor to consolidation of hospital laboratories is when new owners or new healthcare systems take control of a hospital. For 2000, merger and acquisition activity in the hospital industry declined in 2000 by 40%. A total of 318 hospit…

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AmeriPath Will Acquire Inform DX for $44.6 Mil

CEO SUMMARY: It’s another example of consolidation in the anatomic pathology marketplace. AmeriPath, Inc.’s acquisition of Inform DX, Inc. positions the company to do as much as $350 million in revenues next year. By acquiring Inform DX, AmeriPath also gains entry into six more states…

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Pathology Profession Facing New Directions

CEO SUMMARY: Big changes ahead during the next decade. Among the predictions: the number of two and three-pathologist group practices will radically diminish; pathology centers of excellence will achieve new market dominance; and…ever more intense competition for anatomic pathology spec…

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PPM Giant MedPartners Exits Doctor Management

THIRD IN A SERIES WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN the largest companies in a multibillion dollar industry announce that they will “get out” of that business? That is the question which must be answered after MedPartners, Inc. joined PhyMatrix Corp. in p…

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30-Hospital Lab Contract Inked By Tenet & SBCL

CEO SUMMARY: By signing this deal with Tenet, SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories captured one of the largest hospital laboratory management contracts ever offered. The project’s size, scale and far-flung geography make this a daunting challenge, particularly given California’s c…

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New Pathology PPM Hits Competitive Marketplace

CEO SUMMARY: Nashville hatched another pathology-based physician practice management firm. This newest competitor was capitalized by pathologists. Its arrival in the competitive marketplace signals further changes to the traditional practice of pathology. Increasingly, it will be business…

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