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laboratory test costs

Physician Group ACO Targets High-Volume Tests for Savings

HERE’S AN EXAMPLE OF HOW an accountable care organization views cost control.  Atrius Health sought to control excess costs by focusing on high-priced items. It started with inappropriate hospitalizations and imaging studies and moved on to laboratory testing. Atrius Health is…

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2011’s Top 10 Lab Stories Point to a Busy 2012

CEO SUMMARY: Given the specific news stories that make up THE DARK REPORT’S list of the “Top Ten Lab Stories for 2011,” it might be said that 2011 was a rather quiet year overshadowed by anticipation of the coming reforms mandated by the Accountable Care Act of 2010. For the clinica…

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Healthcare Premiums Climb At Double-Digit Rate for 2004

EXPECTATIONS that health insurance premiums will increase by an average of 12% to 15% for 2004 have captured plenty of media attention recently. Employers and health insurers are currently negotiating premiums for 2004. There is consensus among healthcare experts that 2004 will be the fourth consecu…

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