laboratory informatics
E-Prescribing Functions that Labs Can Offer Office-Based Physicians
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 13 – September 21, 2009 Issue
IN RESPONSE TO MEDICARE AND PRIVATE PAYER efforts to increase physicians’ use of e-prescribing, 4Medica, Inc., of Culver City, California, was one of the first laboratory informatics vendors to add an effective e-prescribing capability to its lab test order and results reporting sy…
New Lab Company Is Launched By Geisinger Health System
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 12 – August 31, 2009 Issue
WITH A SIMPLE ANNOUNCEMENT last month, Geisinger Health System of Danville, Pennsylvania, launched a new laboratory outreach company, called Proven Diagnostics. From a facility located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Proven Diagnostics intends to compete for lab testing…
Inverness Medical, ACON, LabInfotech, Kaiser Permenante
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 5 – April 6, 2009 Issue
INVERNESS ACQUIRES TEST BUSINESS FROM ACON WITH A STRATEGY OF BECOMING DOMINANT in the consumer testing market and point-of- care (POC) testing sector, Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc., of Waltham, Massachusetts, has actively acquired companies a…
Busy Year Demonstrated By Top Ten Lab Stories
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 17 – December 10, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: As it turns out, 2007 has been an action-packed year with lots of events, plenty of changes, and the promise of even faster evolution across all sectors of the lab testing marketplace. THE D…
Full Pathology Digitization Is Becoming Feasible
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 15 – October 29, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Advances in computer hardware, software and support systems such as scanners are bringing the era of full pathology digitization closer to reality. Last week, in San Diego, California, an enthusiastic crowd of several hundred gathered to learn how laboratories, hospitals, and…
LabCorp & Sunrise CEOs Score at Exec War College
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 7 – May 14, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: This year’s Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management delivered major surprises, along with first news of breakthrough innovations and emerging trends. Managed care contracting for lab testing services was this year’s premier topic and there was keen interest …
Emerging Global Trends in How Labs Are Using “Distributed Computing”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 7 – May 14, 2007 Issue
“In several different countries, laboratories already use ‘distributed computing’, in the form of a single LIS data center that provides informatics services to as many as 25 laboratories in a region. The trend is to increase interoperability and portability of the i…
Why Labs Will Increase their Use of Middleware and Informatics
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 6 – April 23, 2007 Issue
“Across the globe, laboratories face similar and significant challenges in how they use information technology and middleware to solve problems.” —Jacques Baudin, Executive Vice President, Technidata America Medical Software CEO SUMMARY: Midd…
LIS As Productivity Tool Throughout the Laboratory
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 3 – February 19, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Is the classic laboratory information system (LIS) morphing into a different information technology product? That’s the observation of one laboratory IT expert, who says that “best of breed” LIS products are becoming productivity tools that support improved clinical per…
Key Trends Drive Change for Clinical Laboratories
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 1 – January 8, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Technology plays an ever-growing role in reshaping the organization and operation of clinical laboratories. New technologies figure prominently in THE DARK REPORT’S 2007 list of key trends in the clinical laboratory industry. Technological advances in instr…
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