lab technologies
Med Tech Finds “Grace” Aboard Lab of Mercy Ship
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIX No. 15 – October 29, 2012 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: One intrepid medical technologist has spent almost two decades in volunteer service working in the clinical laboratories of hospital ships operated by Mercy Ships International. As the world’s largest hospital ship, the Africa Mercy contains six operating rooms, a 78-bed IC…
Bi-Annual Look at Trends Reshaping Clinical Labs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XII No. 2 – January 24, 2005 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Among other things, we declare the end to the heyday of the independent commercial lab company which offers a broad test menu to all types of office-based physicians. In its place springs forth the specialty or niche testing laboratory. Small and focused on a specific number …
Bill Bonello Sees Opportunities In Diagnostic Services Companies
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VII No. 14 – October 2, 2000 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: With the clinical laboratory industry now enjoying growing interest by professional investors, THE DARK REPORT traveled to New York City to meet with financial analyst William B. Bonello, of U S Bancorp Piper Jaffray. Bonello co-authored a just-released overview of what he ca…
“State of Lab Industry” Holds Surprises for All
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VII No. 1 – January 3, 2000 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Say goodbye to several of the trends which shaped the lab industry during the 1990s, such as consolidation and government compliance programs. Although these trends won’t completely disappear, they will be superseded by a number of new transformational influences. During th…
Ten Management Myths Misled Clinical Laboratory Executives
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VI No. 13 – September 20, 1999 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: We offer our second installment about the ten management myths which led the clinical laboratory industry astray during the 1980s and 1990s. Regretfully, clients responding to part one of this series tell us that these management myths remain alive and well—and continue to …
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