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lab ordering system

Two Largest Payers Start Lab Test Pre-Authorization

CEO SUMMARY: Once Anthem and UnitedHealthcare establish their respective genetic test prior-authorization programs, a new era for genetic testing will commence. The 80 million beneficiaries served by these two payers make up half of the individuals who have private health insurance. It is…

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Florida Pathology Group Lost Volume After BeaconLBS Started

CEO SUMMARY: A 22-physician pathology group in Tampa has complied with rules for lab test ordering that UnitedHealthcare and BeaconLBS established, yet has experienced a steep decline in the volume of specimens it receives. Physicians told the pathologists that other labs were not using t…

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Web-based Test Ordering Is A “Tough Nut To Crack”

CEO SUMMARY: Shifting office-based physicians to Web-accessed lab test ordering proved to be a daunting task for WebMD and its early competitors. Probably the most significant discovery is that modest capabilities of existing software technology and the lack of Internet broadband connecti…

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