Are Feds Ready to Strike at TC/PC Arrangements?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 12 – August 27, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Pathologists and laboratory directors will want to pay attention to the proposed rules published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on July 2, 2007. The document is a grab bag of proposals and rules that would significantly curb many common ancillary services a…
Anatomic Pathology’s Coming Revolution: Same Day Diagnoses
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 5 – April 2, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Anatomic pathology has been conducted the same way for 100 years—but no longer at the University of Miami. Pathologists there are using microwave technology to cut processing speed by 90% and improve workflow. By producing faster diagnoses, the lab can report results on 80%…
Key Trends Drive Change for Clinical Laboratories
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 1 – January 8, 2007 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Technology plays an ever-growing role in reshaping the organization and operation of clinical laboratories. New technologies figure prominently in THE DARK REPORT’S 2007 list of key trends in the clinical laboratory industry. Technological advances in instr…
Acute Histotech Shortage Grows Across the USA
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 16 – November 27, 2006 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Pathology laboratories are enjoying steady increases in specimen volume and revenue as new molecular assays gain acceptance by clinicians. However, the supply of histotechnologists is failing to keep pace with growth in the volume of tissue-based testing. One executive who pl…
Many Trends in AP Spell Lots of Change Ahead
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 2 – February 6, 2006 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Every second year, THE DARK REPORT releases its list of key trends in anatomic pathology. These trends help shape an understanding about the state of the pathology profession. Our current list includes 11 identifiable trends. This is not an auspicious sign for pathologists wh…
“Lean” Quality Methods Transform Core Lab In Florida Hospital
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 11 – August 18, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: DSI Laboratories of Fort Myers, Florida became the nation’s first hospital laboratory to apply the “Lean” quality management system to a high volume core laboratory. In just 13 weeks, DSI’s Lean team created a work cell which performs 80% of the test volume in a 400-b…
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