genetic diagnostic
Claritas Is Example of New Lab Business Model
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXI No. 1 – January 13, 2014 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: One by one, new business models for clinical laboratory testing are popping up. Each is a response to healthcare’s rapid evolution, the ongoing decline in lab test reimbursement, and the growing role for molecular diagnostics and genetic testing. In Cambridge, Massachusetts…
January 22, 2013 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XX No. 1 – January 22, 2013 Issue
Not-for-profit Boston Children’s Hospital will have majority interest in a new lab testing company. Claritas Genomics will be based in Waltham, Massachusetts, and will develop genetic and molecular diagnostic testing solutions. Life Technologies Corporation…
New Lab Player Launches In Breast Cancer Market
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 11 – August 10, 2009 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Having opened its CLIA-licensed laboratory in Huntington Beach, California, Agendia, Inc., becomes the newest competitor to enter the market for breast cancer testing. Its proprietary assay looks at 70 genes to assess the risk of recurrence. The company expects to co…
Lab Director Takes a Stand On Patented Genetic Testing
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 3 – March 3, 2003 Issue
THIS LETTER APPEARED in the mailbag after our special intelligence briefing on how genetics will transform healthcare and before our look at how high-priced specialty esoteric testing is causing budget headaches for regional labs. (See TDRs, December 30, 2002 and …
California Lab Regulators Are A Tough Bunch
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 7 – May 13, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: By law, government regulators cannot comment publicly about the actions they take against the companies they regulate. That’s why the lab industry never learned that other public lab companies operating in California, following inspections by state authorities, were judged …
Path Trends For 2002 Show Future Direction
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 1 – January 7, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Even as pressures to squeeze costs and consolidate within the pathology profession ease, a different set of market trends is exerting influence. Collectively, these trends portend the end of the small pathology group’s dominance of its local healthcare marketplace. It will …
DIANON Systems, United Health, Aetna, Quest Diagnostics, Orchid, AmeriPath
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VIII No. 17 – December 17, 2001 Issue
DIANON SYSTEMS INKS NATIONAL AGREEMENT WITH UNITEDHEALTHCARE A NEW NATIONAL AGREEMENT between DIANON Systems, Inc. and UnitedHealthcare was announced last week. The agreement allows DIANON Systems to provide pathology and genetic testing services to all the…
“August 17, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume V No. 11 – August 17, 1998 Issue
THE DARK REPORT wants to thank those companies at the American Association of Clinical Chemistry convention in Chicago who invited us to special business briefings and other functions. It was an opportunity to meet both executives and the innovative customers of these companies who a…
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