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fda ldt guidance

New Twist: HHS Exerts Authority Over FDA on LDTs

CEO SUMMARY: In a recent memo, the federal Department of Health and Human Services’ general counsel rendered a legal opinion that FDA would need to issue new regulations to regulate LDTs. By stepping into this years-long dispute and saying that FDA cannot regulate LDTs through gui…

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LabCorp Now Larger than Quest, Two Labs Report 2015 Earnings

IN RECENT WEEKS, the nation’s two largest lab companies reported fourth quarter and full-year earnings for 2015. The earnings reports reveal how the paths of the two companies are diverging. The companies are diverging because of a major acquisition made in February 2015, by Laboratory Cor…

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Official Makes Case in Favor of FDA LDT Guidance

IN THIS EXCLUSIVE NEWS COVERAGE of a public appearance by a key FDA official, THE DARK REPORT provides lab executives and pathologists with a more nuanced understanding about the thinking behind the proposed …

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