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dna testing

Lab News Briefs

New York Times Reviews DNA Testing Kits for Its Readers It’s a sign of the times when The New York Times considers it useful to conduct and publish a review of DNA ancestry testing kits to guide readers. AncestryDNA of Lehi, Utah, was picked as “the most eff…

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Invitae Cuts Costs to Rebuild Oncology Testing Pipeline

INVITAE CORPORATION, A MEDICAL GENETICS COMPANY that had a $1.34 billion loss during the nine months ending Sept. 30, 2023, recently announced coming actions to cut costs and change operations. The San Francisco-based company sold “certain reproductive health assets including ca…

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November 25 2019 intelligence late breaking lab news

Medicare lab test price cuts mandated by the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) are eroding the finances of urology groups that do in-office clinical laboratory testing. In the November issue of Urology Times, urologist Robert A. Dowling, MD, wrote a news story that identified the cut…

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Pathology Labs Want Method To Correct Specimen ID Errors

CEO SUMMARY: When pathology labs discover instances of a misidentified or contaminated tissue specimen, there is a new service that allows them to retrospectively use DNA to properly match that specimen to the correct patient. In part two of our series, we look at how some pathology labs …

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New Business Helps Reduce Pathology Specimen ID Errors

CEO SUMMARY: Prevention of diagnostic testing errors is getting more attention by both physicians and pathology labs because patients are less tolerant of potentially life-changing errors. Strand Diagnostics’ Know Error system is designed to reduce or eliminate errors involving tissue s…

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Med Tech Finds “Grace” Aboard Lab of Mercy Ship

CEO SUMMARY: One intrepid medical technologist has spent almost two decades in volunteer service working in the clinical laboratories of hospital ships operated by Mercy Ships International. As the world’s largest hospital ship, the Africa Mercy contains six operating rooms, a 78-bed IC…

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December 19, 2011 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Expanded genetic testing for cancer patients in the United Kingdom is one goal of a new effort by the Stratified Medicine Programme at Cancer Research UK. Officials want to ensure that the right genetic tests are available to support use of new therapeutic drugs for …

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In-Practice Histology Lab Splits Biopsies; ID’s Patient with DNA

In response to continuing requests by clients and readers of THE DARK REPORT, this issue institutes a new feature titled “Lab Fraud Watch.” It will provide information about activities in the medical laboratory testing marketplace which could be interpreted as violatin…

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Washington G-2, AACC, Cerner, IBM, Visible Genetics, Bio-Reference Labs

LAB MEETINGS CONTINUE WITH STRONG ATTENDANCE DESPITE THE HASSLES that now come with cross-country travel, laboratorians throughout the United States continue to support industry meetings. Traditionally the largest lab meeting of the fall season, “Lab Institute 2001” expects good attenda…

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LabCorp to Help Collect Family DNA Specimens

CEO SUMMARY: DNA testing will be a primary tool in identifying victims of this major disaster. Officials in New York City are formulating a plan whereby private labs will do DNA testing in conjunction with New York State Police laboratories. Laboratory Corporation of America has been desi…

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