Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



Several Times, Feds Tried to ‘Redirect’ Lab Activities

CEO SUMMARY: Regulation of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may turn out to be one of the most impactful federal laws or regulations ever promulgated, so far as it pertains to clinical laboratories.cThe Dark Report provides this historical look b…

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British Columbia Ready for HPV Self-Collection

CEO SUMMARY: Unacceptable delays of as long as six or seven months in reporting Pap smear test results is triggering a major change in how provincial health authorities screen for cervical cancer. For example, health officials in British Columbia announced that, going forward, cervical ca…

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CLIA on Path to Recognize Lab Data As a Specimen

CEO SUMMARY: Discussions within the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) are focusing on digital diagnostic data and clinical laboratory testing conducted remotely. CLIAC recommendations about these important topics may eventually be part of updates to …

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‘Lab Workforce Crisis Takes Top Spot’–CAP Today

CEO SUMMARY: Just weeks ago, CAP Today characterized the current crisis in staffing clinical laboratories as going “from simmer to rolling boil.” Demand for medical technologists and other certified laboratory scientists far exceeds the supply. Consequently, many labs now…

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