COVID-19 Serology Test Claims 98.8% Accuracy
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVII No. 8 – June 1, 2020 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: When it announced its new antibody test for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 on May 3, Roche Holdings explained that its sensitivity level after 14 days was 100%, which is an important point to understand about the test. When assessing Roche’s claims, two expert…
Coronavirus Tests Boost Immunology Lab’s Volume
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVII No. 8 – June 1, 2020 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Physicians treating patients with compromised immune systems who contract the new coronavirus need immunology tests to guide risk-assessment decisions for these patients. At a Virginia lab that specializes in such testing, specimen volume has tripled since the SAR…
In Michigan, Short Supplies Constrain COVID Test Capacity
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVII No. 8 – June 1, 2020 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Because of a severe shortage of supplies, members of Michigan’s two hospital laboratory networks have been stymied in their ability to respond to the pandemic and operate their SARS-CoV-2 analyzers at full capacity. The lack of primers, reagents, specimen-collec…
March 30, 2020 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVII No. 5 – March 30, 2020 Issue
Should consumers be allowed to collect their own specimens for a COVID-19 test? At least five companies announced plans in mid-March to sell COVID-19 tests directly to consumers and have them collect their specimens at home, then return the samples to the the labs doing the testing. This s…
March 9, 2020 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVII No. 4 – March 9, 2020 Issue
Coronavirus, more specifically, the novel coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease, currently dominates global news. This is the third novel strain of coronavirus to emerge as a threat to human health in the past two decades. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was identifie…
COVID-19 Patient? Northwell Has Mobile Phlebotomy App
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVII No. 4 – March 9, 2020 Issue
>CEO SUMMARY: What better way to limit the spread of a deadly novel coronavirus than to allow patients who suspect they have the COVID-19 illness to use a mobile phone to book an appointment with a phlebotomist who makes house calls? Northwell Laboratories started this service in Novem…
Northwell Lab Team Validates COVID-19 Test on Fast Timeline
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVII No. 4 – March 9, 2020 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Clinical labs are working with haste to test for the novel coronavirus, also called nCoV and SARS-CoV-2. Their efforts to prepare for high capacity testing for viral respiratory illness include validating molecular tests for the newly-identifie…
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