clinical laboratory service
New Federal Law Changes How CMS Sets Lab Prices
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXI No. 5 – April 7, 2014 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: CMS wanted more power to cut the prices it pays for clinical lab testing. A significant part of the lab industry wanted more transparency and consistency in how CMS established coverage guidelines and prices for new lab tests. Congress appears to have attempted to craft a law…
Labs, Path Groups Face Major Financial Issues
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXI No. 3 – February 24, 2014 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Are clinical labs and pathology groups ready for the end of fee-for-service reimbursement? That’s just one important question that will be answered at the upcoming Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management that will take place in New Orleans on April 29-30. The …
Medicare OPPS Rule Has Pitfalls for Labs
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXI No. 2 – February 3, 2014 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: On January 1, the new Medicare rule for requiring bundled or packaged reimbursement for certain services covered by the hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) became effective. Just four days earlier (on December 27), Medicare officials issued instructions on h…
Medicare Price Cuts Drive Labs to Sell or File BK
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XX No. 15 – November 11, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Professional investors are smart with their money. Thus, it is no surprise that clinical lab and pathology companies owned by private equity firms are the first to be sold or closed. These investors are acting in response to the cumulative negative financial impact of recent …
Theranos Won’t Discuss Disruptive Lab Technology
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XX No. 13 – September 30, 2013 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In a partnership with Walgreens pharmacies, Theranos Inc. announced that it will run clinical lab tests on “micro-samples” and collect these blood samples without venipuncture. Even as Theranos touts the patient-friendly benefits of its proprietary diagnostic technology, …
9 Pennsylvania Hospitals Tackle Lab Specimen Errors
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XIX No. 1 – January 9, 2012 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In this unusual collaboration, the participating Pennsylvania hospitals dramatically reduced blood specimen labeling errors. This initiative to share best practices incorporated techniques that were refined in other projects designed to reduce medical errors and improve patie…
Rosetta Genetics, Aureon Biosciences, Plus Diagnostics, Atherotech, Sequenom
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 14 – October 17, 2011 Issue
ROSETTA GENOMICS TO LAY OFF 35 EMPLOYEES TO CUT EXPENSES AND SHIFT MORE FUNDING toward sales of its proprietary molecular tests, Rosetta Genomics says it will eliminate 35 jobs. The company, based in Israel, operates a clinical laboratory in Philadelphia, Pe…
Congress Again Considers Co-Insurance for Lab Tests
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVIII No. 11 – August 15, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Congressional cost-cutters are putting the 20% patient co-pay/coinsurance requirement for lab testing back on the table. The added complication this year is that the new Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction is mandated to produce its own list of cuts to the Me…
How Labs Should Comply With New Signature Rule
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 1 – January 18, 2011 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Across the nation, clinical laboratories and pathology groups are reacting to the new Medicare rule that requires a physician signature on a paper requisition for clinical laboratory tests. Laboratories using paper requisitions will need to add a signature line, then…
Two Years Later, CMS Still Holds Labs’ Competitive Bid Documents
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 6 – April 19, 2010 Issue
IF ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, then the federal government sends a clear message by its repeated refusal to return bidding documents to laboratories involved with the now-defunct Medicare Clinical Laboratory Services Competitive Bidding Demonstration project. That’s because, more than two yea…
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