clia license
Houston Errors Are Every Clinical Pathologist’s Fear
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XXVI No. 10 – July 22, 2019 Issue
Due to medical errors, three patients died in three Houston hospitals in a short period of time. Each adverse event led to inspections by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and sanctions as tough as revocation of deemed status for participation in the Medica…
Allegations in UHC health insurance fraud case involve multiple defendants
By Mary Van Doren | From the Volume XXV No. 2 – January 22, 2018 Issue
This is an excerpt from a 5,000-word article in the January 22, 2018, issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. …
Allegations of Lab Test Fraud Involve Multiple Defendants
By Pamela Scherer McLeod | From the Volume XXV No. 2 – January 22, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: UnitedHealth made national news when it filed a $100 million lawsuit against Next Health and other defendants in Dallas in January 2017. The insurer alleged fraud involving clinical laboratory tests. That lawsuit is just the latest chapter in an almost decade-long string of …
Proove Biosciences, Medicus Face Serious Fraud Charges
By Mary Van Doren | From the Volume XXIV No. 13 – September 18, 2017 Issue
This is an excerpt from a 1,400-word article in the Sept. 18, 2017 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete article is available for a limited time to all readers, and available at all times to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. …
Drug Testing Labs in Texas, California Deal With Fraud Charges
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXIV No. 13 – September 18, 2017 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Two toxicology lab companies accused of fraud are fighting to stay in business. In the case of Medicus Laboratories of Dallas, it is asking a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order to prevent state and federal lab regulators from pulling its CLIA license. At Pro…
Theranos Now Scrambling To Save What It Can
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXIII No. 10 – July 25, 2016 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: On July 7, CMS imposed severe sanctions on Theranos for CLIA violations. Included is a two-year ban on owning and operating a clinical laboratory for Theranos, CEO Elizabeth Holmes, the former COO, and the former medical director. Theranos appears to be pivoting away from a c…
Why Theranos Is a Big Test for CMS and CLIA
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XXIII No. 8 – June 13, 2016 Issue
OFFICIALS AT THE FEDERAL CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES are at what may be the most important crossroads in the history of clinical laboratory regulation since Congress passed the CLIA 1988 legislation. Will CMS pursue the severe sanctions it disclosed to Theranos, Inc.,…
Is Theranos Kowtowing To CMS over Pending CLIA Sanctions?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXIII No. 7 – May 23, 2016 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Having ignored the profession of laboratory medicine for nearly all of its 13-year corporate life, Theranos suddenly began engaging with expert laboratorians last month. The timing of this new outreach coincides with public disclosure that CMS proposed the severest sanctions …
Theranos in the News, for Better and Worse
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XXIII No. 6 – May 2, 2016 Issue
IT’S BEEN AN EVENTFUL COUPLE OF MONTHS for Theranos, the lab testing company that says its goal is to disrupt the clinical laboratory industry. Novelists cannot write fiction as compelling as the unfolding real story about this controversial company. During March and April, The Wall Street Jou…
Might Lawsuits Come Next in Theranos Story?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXII, Number 16 – November 16, 2015 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Recent disclosures in the news indicate that an agreement between Theranos and Safeway has gone sour— after Safeway spent a third of a billion dollars to fulfill its part of the collaboration! Reporting by The Wall Street Journal c…
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