Thomas Tiffany
Sonic Sees a Future in Lab JVs with Hospitals
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXV No. 12 – August 20, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In every partnership, each member has a unique point of view. Following the announcement of a new laboratory joint venture company involving ProMedica Health System and Sonic Healthcare USA, the Sonic executive who worked with ProMedica’s administrators to develop the JV ex…
PAML Joint Venture News from The Dark Report Intelligence
November 2, 2007 PAML and HCA Agree to Start New Lab Joint Venture in Utah …
From Modest Beginnings, Two Lab Networks Find Success
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIX No. 2 – January 30, 2012 Issue
“For 20 years, our regional laboratory network here in Detroit has played an important role in helping member …
December 19, 2011 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVIII No. 17 – December 19, 2011 Issue
Expanded genetic testing for cancer patients in the United Kingdom is one goal of a new effort by the Stratified Medicine Programme at Cancer Research UK. Officials want to ensure that the right genetic tests are available to support use of new therapeutic drugs for …
Catholic Health Initiatives Ramps Up Lab Outreach
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 17 – December 14, 2009 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) wants to expand its presence in outpatient and outreach services. It sees hospital laboratory outreach programs as a key component of this strategy. It will use an equity investment in Pathology Associates Medical Laboratories (PAML) as the f…
How PAML Built a Major Business In Lab Joint Ventures with Hospitals
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 17 – December 10, 2007 Issue
“A well-structured laboratory joint venture helps the hospital partner tap the unrealized value of its laboratory, because the independent lab partner provides capital, along with experience, and expertise to s…
2000’s Movers & Shakers Represent Strong Leaders
By Robert Michel | From the Volume VII No. 5 – March 27, 2000 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Its time again for THE DARK REPORT to make its yearly selection of the lab industry’s Movers & Shakers. Individuals chosen for 2000 represent a cross section of laboratory companies. Their successes demonstrate that leadership and vision continue to make a difference, d…
Washington State’s PacLab Network Is A Regional Winner
By Robert Michel | From the Volume V No. 14 – October 19, 1998 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: As a regional laboratory network, PacLab is unusual in one respect: participating hospital laboratories did not meet endlessly to talk about what they should do. Instead, action was the operative word for these network organizers. Since becoming operational in 1996, their bia…
Hospital Lab-Commercial Lab Partnering Is Upcoming Trend
By Robert Michel | From the Volume V No. 7 – May 26, 1998 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: At this year’s Executive War College in New Orleans, laboratory innovators convened to study hot new trends in the industry.They were surprised to learn that partnering relationships between hospital laboratories and commercial laboratories are finally gaining wider accepta…
New Hybrid Lab Systems Provide Peek At Future
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IV No. 7 – May 12, 1997 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: As the first generation of regional laboratory systems begin operation, the marketplace is about to separate winners from losers. Stakes are high for hospital laboratory administrators. If they choose to affiliate with the wrong model, the consequences can cause extended disr…
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