staff safety
Combining Lean Techniques with Lab Automation to Get Impressive Results
By Mary Van Doren | From the Volume XXII No. 10 – July 13, 2015 Issue
PROBABLY NO AREA OF CLINICAL LABORATORY MEDICINE is experiencing the dramatic transformation happening in microbiol…
Combining Lean with Lab Automation to Get Impressive Results
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXII No. 10 – July 13, 2015 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: By combining total lab automation with Lean techniques in a comprehensive makeover of its microbiology lab, one of the largest labs providing hospital acute care and community microbiology services in North America achieved major benefits. Benefits ranged from impro…
First-Mover Labs Reveal Success with Lean & QMS
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIX No. 16 – November 19, 2012 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: There is good news for those clinical labs and pathology groups currently operating robust Lean, Six Sigma, and process improvement programs. The Institute of Medicine’s new report calls for all healthcare providers to rapidly transform themselves into ‘continuously learn…
Lab Automation Viewed As Essential Solution
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XV No. 5 – April 14, 2008 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: A merger of three hospitals in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, forced PinnacleHealth’s lab director to find new ways to increase efficiency. A lab automation project helped improve turnaround time and staff productivity and cut costs. The cost savings is about 50 cents per test, …
Royal Free Hospital Is First Big British Lab Automation Project
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 4 – March 24, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: To date, only a handful of total laboratory automation (TLA) projects have been implemented in Great Britain. One of those first TLA projects is at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead, located in the northern suburbs of London. Design work started in 1998 and the first phase b…
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