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regional medical lab

Letter to Florida Doctor Offers to Waive Lab Test Fees

CEO SUMMARY: Florida’s highly-competitive market for lab testing services is again seeing some lab companies use “Waiver of Charges to Managed Care Patients” agreements with physicians in situations where the lab is an out-of-network provider. This means the lab will do free testing…

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Detroit Hospital Develops 10 Ways To Add More Value

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical labs are beginning to make the transition from a volume-based financial model to a model based on value-based payments. To survive this transition, labs must find ways to create value. The lab at Henry Ford Health System has  identified 10 ways that it c…

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Labs Share Successes in Delivering More Value

CEO SUMMARY: As the number of accountable care organizations and patient-centered medical homes grows monthly, a handful of innovative labs are seizing the opportunity to develop and deliver lab testing services that add more value to physicians and patients. These early-adopter labs reco…

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