ran whitehead
‘Salary Power’ Helps Lab Recruit and Train New MTs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIX No. 1 – January 9, 2012 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: It was back in 2002 when THE DARK REPORT highlighted the innovative use of MT and MLT long distance training by PeaceHealth Laboratories (formerly Oregon Medical Labs). Distance training is part of a comprehensive program to attract individuals in the community with two-year …
May 14, 2007 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIV No. 7 – May 14, 2007 Issue
With so many baby boomers in lab management ranks making preparations for their retirement, a question now asked often is “what can I do as an encore?” Recently, THE DARK REPORT caught up with Dixie McFadden, who retired from her position as Laboratory Administrator at Kaiser Permanente N…
June 12, 2006 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XIII No. 8 – June 12, 2006 Issue
Many changes are unfolding across the laboratory industry, so we begin with some of the more significant developments involving people: TRANSITIONS •One of clinical pathology’s respected veterans is preparing to retire. Elkin Simson, M.D., Medical Director at th…
OML Graduates First Distance-Learning MTs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XII No. 15 – October 24, 2005 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Faced with staffing shortages and a ready pool of B.S. graduates in the local community, two years ago, Oregon Medical Laboratories decided to use long-distance learning programs to recruit and train employees interested in earning certification as MTs and MLTs. This business…
“October 20, 2003 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 14 – October 20, 2003 Issue
Here’s a reminder that corporate fraud didn’t bypass healthcare. Last week Albert Bergonzi, former Executive Vice President of McKesson/HBOC, pled guilty to violations of securities laws. He admitted that he had “cooked the books” around the time of HBOC’s acquisition by Mc…
Online Distance Training Helps Labs Recruit & Retain More MTs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume X No. 9 – July 7, 2003 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: One surprise about online distance learning (ODL) programs for medical technologists (MT) is that even small hospital laboratories can use them to recruit and train more MTs. Across the United States, a growing number of labs are experiencing a shortage of MTs in their local …
“October 7, 2002 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 14 – October 7, 2002 Issue
Without much fanfare or notice, Liposcience Inc. of Raleigh, North Carolina tested the waters for an initial public offering (IPO) last month. It found market conditions unfavorable for its proposed offering of $92 million and deferred its IPO. Liposcience, with annual revenues of $1…
New Efforts to Boost Supply of MTs & MLTs
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 14 – October 7, 2002 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Most laboratorians are acutely aware that the nation’s pool of trained medical technicians and medical technologists is shrinking even as growing numbers of baby-boomer lab techs approach retirement. Meanwhile, training programs are feeding inadequate numbers of new med tec…
Tennessee Lab Network To Become Operational
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IV No. 12 – August 25, 1997 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Although news of regional laboratory networks disappeared from the pages of lab industry publications, the movement is far from dead. In Tennessee, 13 hospital laboratories are about to launch the Middle Tennessee Healthcare Network. Organizers believe they have solutions to …
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