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quantum dot corporation

“September 20, 2004 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. now has access to Qdot® nanocrystal technology for in vitro diagnostic applications in anatomic pathology and cytology. Ventana recently licensed the technology from Quantum Dot Corporation (QDC), based in Hayward California. It will us…

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Quantum Dot Corporation, Healtheon/WebMD, Illumea

QUANTUM DOT CORP. TO COLLABORATE WITH GENENTECH PROGRESS IS SWIFT AT Quantum Dot Corporation, based in Palo Alto, California. Quantum Dot announced an agreement to collaborate with Genentech, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco, California. The goal is to e…

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Quantum Dots Targeting Multiplexed Bioassays

CEO SUMMARY: Here’s another exciting new technology which promises to expand the capabilities of diagnostic testing while lowering laboratory costs. Based on research originally done during the 1970’s, quantum dots™ are nanometer-sized semiconductors with unique properties. Quantum …

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