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Molecular Diagnostics’ “Gap in Expectations”

CEO SUMMARY: This year’s Executive War College provided strong evidence that the twin trends of molecular diagnostics and Lean management methods are taking root within the laboratory industry. Each is a trend in its infancy. Molecular diagnostics will require considerable time before i…

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LabCorp to Help Collect Family DNA Specimens

CEO SUMMARY: DNA testing will be a primary tool in identifying victims of this major disaster. Officials in New York City are formulating a plan whereby private labs will do DNA testing in conjunction with New York State Police laboratories. Laboratory Corporation of America has been desi…

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Dynacare’s Business Plan Includes New Direction

CEO SUMMARY: Look for Dynacare, Inc. to undergo a significant transformation. Although it will not abandon its efforts to partner with hospital laboratories, Dynacare has made a renewed commitment to expand and market itself as a provider of esoteric and reference testing. These changes a…

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Luminex Raises $83 Mil In Public Stock Offering

CEO SUMMARY: During the past year, Luminex Corporation moved swiftly to push its LabMAP™ multiplex testing technology into the bioassay marketplace. It found high interest among companies in the pharmaceutical, diagnostics, and bioresearch industries. Luminex executives say that a numbe…

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