Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



Violating EKRA Earns Lab Owner an Eight-Year Prison Sentence

THIS MAY BE THE MOST HIGH-PROFILE CASE involving a clinical laboratory and the Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018 (EKRA). Former Arrayit Corporation president Mark Schena was sentenced in October 2023 to eight years in federal prison and ordered to pay $24 million in resti…

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Healthcare Fraud Cases Include Decades-Long Cases of Deceit

Healthcare fraud cases continue to receive harsh penalties from the federal government as indicated in the case of a California clinical laboratory owner and her husband who attempted to defraud the government of millions of dollars. Lourdes Navarro and husband Imran Shams attempted to defraud ins…

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Gaining Network Access with Payers Is Often about Geography

EDITOR’S NOTE: Our column, Virchow, is written by anonymous insiders working within the managed…

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FDA’s Road to Regulation of Lab Developed Tests

CEO SUMMARY: Today’s generation of clinical lab managers and pathologists should understand that the FDA’s efforts to publish a draft rule defining its authority to review laboratory developed tests (LD…

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SALSA Bill Resurfaces, Poised to Reduce Upcoming PAMA Cuts

ANOTHER ROUND OF STIFF PRICE CUTS TO THE MEDICARE PART B CLINICAL LABORATORY FEE SCHEDULE (CLFS) is just months away, with the provisions of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) set to resume on Jan. 1. In…

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Private Health Insurers Are Aware of Problems with CPT Code 81408


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Provider Price Transparency Trend Has New Twist

IT’S NOT JUST PATIENTS WHO ARE TYPICALLY UNABLE TO SEE PRICES FOR THEIR MEDICAL CARE IN ADVANCE OF SERVICE. Guess who else is unhappy that they cannot access the prices charged by hospitals, physicians, and other pro…

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Hospital Lab Outreach Selloffs Continue with Labcorp as Buyer

OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS, Labcorp has shaken up the hospital laboratory market in the Pacific Northwest, particularly as it concerns lab outreach services. …

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With Z-codes, Will Other Payers Follow UnitedHealthcare’s Lead?


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HCCI Reports Higher Prices for Hospital Outreach Tests

CEO SUMMARY: It’s another shot across the bows to hospital and health systems that use inpatient test prices when billing health insurers for outpatient/outreach lab tests. In its report, the Health Care Cost Institute documents how these hospital l…

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