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Hospitals Say New UHC Policy on Lab Network Is Anticompetitive

IT’S NOT OFTEN THAT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS WILL DIRECTLY OPPOSE the changes that health insurers want to make in how they pay for clinical laboratory tests. But that is now happening with UnitedHealthcare’s new lab test payment policy that directly reduces what many hospital labs are paid fo…

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Palmetto GBA Tells Consultant to Take Down Test Price Data

CEO SUMMARY: Lawyers for Medicare contractor Palmetto GBA sent a cease and desist letter in September to a respected lab consultant, telling him to delete from his health policy blog a document containing Medicare genetic test price and coding data. In the letter, Quinn was directed…

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Understanding COVID-19’s Changes to Lab Industry

CEO SUMMARY: With the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic about to enter its eighth month in the United States, it remains difficult to predict whether the pandemic will strengthen with the fall influenza season or steadily diminish. What is clear to most pathologists and clinical laboratory executiv…

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Wisconsin Lab Network Feeds Valuable Data to State Health Lab

CEO SUMMARY: From the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 138-member Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory Network has reported to the state health lab the number of COVID-19 tests, the number of positive results, as well as other data that includes data on lab testing supplies and ca…

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Government Officials Intensify Broad Chaos In Clinical Lab Supply Chain

CEO SUMMARY: Clinical labs throughout the United States are ready to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, there is widespread recognition that many barriers to increasing labs’ COVID-19 testing capacity are caused by the inappropriate actions of government…

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COVID-19 Pandemic Erodes Cash Flow at Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Every day, national news headlines scream about the shortage of SARS-CoV-2 lab tests needed to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, national news coverage has begun focusing on concerns about inaccurate or unreliable COVID-19 serology tests. But the story being…

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Coronavirus Tests Boost Immunology Lab’s Volume

CEO SUMMARY: Physicians treating patients with compromised immune systems who contract the new coronavirus need immunology tests to guide risk-assessment decisions for these patients. At a Virginia lab that specializes in such testing, specimen volume has tripled since the SAR…

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In Michigan, Short Supplies Constrain COVID Test Capacity

CEO SUMMARY: Because of a severe shortage of supplies, members of Michigan’s two hospital laboratory networks have been stymied in their ability to respond to the pandemic and operate their SARS-CoV-2 analyzers at full capacity. The lack of primers, reagents, specimen-collec…

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Lab Directors Develop Plans for Return of Routine Hospital Care

CLINICAL LABORATORY DIRECTORS IN MICHIGAN are developing plans to test patients who will return when hospitals reopen for routine care. Included in those plans are strategies to do testing for the novel coronavirus on patients who will return for everyday care and elective procedures, said Bart…

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March, April Patient Visits Drop at Virginia Physician Group and Lab

DURING THE CARONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, gastroenterology and other physician groups with in-house medical laboratories—like most medical practices and clinical laboratories in the United States—have seen a sharp drop in patient visits and specimen volume. That drop occurred at the same time ga…

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