Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



laboratory automation technology

New Automation Tools Ready for Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Evidence grows that workstation automation and modular automation can be cost-effective solutions in the clinical laboratory. But the newest generation of automation technology presents lab administrators with a new challenge. Financial analysis and workplace reengineering ar…

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“State of Lab Industry” Reveals Radical Change

CEO SUMMARY: Pick your trend: declining reimbursement, consolidation, clinical integration, downsizing, and capitated reimbursement. These trends all continued to shape the way laboratories organized to provide services. But 1997’s wildcard was the federal government. Between investigat…

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“October 6, 1997 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Michael J. Bechich, M.D., Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, is hosting his second annual conference in Pittsburgh next week. Anatomic Pathology Informatics, Imaging and the Internet is scheduled for October 16-18 at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center…

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“June 2, 1997 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

With commercial laboratories pressing hospital laboratories for joint ventures, a unique selling proposition helps. MDS-AutoLab, Inc. of Canada has a different twist. They will not sell you their automated laboratory equipment. Instead, they offer it on a profit-sharing type of arran…

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