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lab risk & compliance

Language in Draft House Bill Directs FDA to Suspend LDT Rule

THERE IS AN INTERESTING NEW DEVELOPMENT associated with the regulation of laboratory deve…

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Behind-the-Scenes Audits Often Hide Cause of Test Claim Denials

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Several Times, Feds Tried to ‘Redirect’ Lab Activities

CEO SUMMARY: Regulation of laboratory developed tests (LDTs) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may turn out to be one of the most impactful federal laws or regulations ever promulgated, so far as it pertains to clinical laboratories.cThe Dark Report provides this historical look b…

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New CISA Draft Rule Mandates Rapid Reporting of Cyberattacks

CEO SUMMARY: There is another federal rule that will require compliance by clinical labs. An agency of U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security published a draft rule on April 4 that requires certain organizations—including hospitals, clinical labs, and pathology groups—to report, within 72 ho…

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Congressional Subcommittee Hears Testimony on FDA LDT Rule

DURING A MARCH 21 HEARING CONVENED by the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommitt…

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Final Rule on AI Transparency Can Benefit Clinical Labs

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) AND MACHINE LEARNING are becoming ubiquitous in today’s modern hospital systems and clinical laboratories. In response to these developments, federal officials issued a new rule that has major implications on how healthcare providers use artificial intelligence. T…

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Change Healthcare Hit by Major Cyberattack

CEO SUMMARY: It was a classic ransomware attack against Change Healthcare, the business unit of Optum that is itself a division of UnitedHealth Group. On Feb. 21, this cyberattack shut down critical systems at Change Healthcare, such as those involved in accepting and forwarding prescript…

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CMS Issues AI Guidance for Medicare Advantage

CEO SUMMARY: With its guidance on how Medicare Advantage plans should use artificial intelligence (AI) when making treatment decisions involving individual patients, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has opened one door in the coming debate on how the federal governme…

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European Lab’s Data Breach Has Lessons for U.S. Clinical Labs

IN WHAT COULD BE A CAUTIONARY TALE FOR CLINICAL LABORATORIES, a cybersecurity researcher has reported the discovery of a medical laboratory database that publicly exposed COVID-19 test records containing people’s personal data, including their names, passport numbers, appointment details, and test …

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September Saw 153% Increase in Ransomware Attacks

CEO SUMMARY: Most ransomware attacks don’t generate news stories because the victimized organizations don’t want other threat actors to learn if they paid a ransom to regain access to their information systems. Experts point out that more cyberattacks are happening and that the attack…

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