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lab design

Cleveland Clinic Lab Aims to Grow Reference Testing

CEO SUMMARY: In the national market for reference and esoteric testing, Cleveland Clinic Laboratories (CCL) is preparing to expand its presence. It has just moved into a $75 million state-of-the-art laboratory facility and wants to increase its outreach reference testing by four-fold with…

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Univ. of Tokyo Hospital Lab Has Plenty of Automation

CEO SUMMARY: In Japan, many clinical laboratories are in their third decade of using automation. At the University of Tokyo Hospital, total laboratory automation (TLA) was first implemented in 1991. Now on its fourth generation TLA system, this laboratory was worked upstream to automate s…

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Sonic Healthcare Buys Clinical Pathology Labs

CEO SUMMARY: It’s one of the most interesting lab acquisitions to take place in the past decade. Pathologist-owners of Austin, Texas-based Clinical Pathology Laboratories, Inc. are selling up to 85% of their lab company to Sonic Healthcare, Ltd, Australia’s largest laboratory firm. Th…

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First ISO-Designed Clinical Lab Improves Outcomes, Costs

CEO SUMMARY: In the first 14 months of operation, Kaiser Permanente Northwest’s new automated regional laboratory facility, the nation’s first designed by an ISO-9000-certified lab organization, is yielding big gains in both productivity and outcomes. In its high-volume core lab, prod…

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Advanced Health Targets Integrated Health Networks

“The question that every clinical laboratory must now ask is this: will my lab be a technology differentiator or a technology enabler?” Rob Alger, Advanced Health Technology CEO SUMMARY: Many hospital-based laboratories have a different missio…

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