Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



lab analyzers

Pathologists in China, U.S. Linked By Digital Pathology

CEO Summary: It is one of the first clinical collaborations of this type to be anchored by use of digital pathology. Pathologists at the medical schools of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) are exc…

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Grand River Hospital, Psyche Systems, Siemens Healthcare, Bio-Rad, Home Test Direct

HOSPITAL LAB CLOSED, STAFF EVACUATED AFTER LAB SPECIMEN SPILL IT’S NOT OFTEN THAT A HOSPITAL LABORATORY needs to be closed and decontaminated following a lab accident. Yet that is what happened on April 2 at 495-bed Grand River Hospital in Kitchner, Ontari…

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Analysis of Lab Test Error Offers Lessons for Labs

CEO SUMMARY: As happens now and again, a rather typical example of an error in lab testing has made the nightly news in Indianapolis because of one justifiably irate patient who got a false positive test report for an STD. One pathologist, asked by THE DARK REPORT to assess the p…

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