Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics




Federal Cases against Labs Result in Convictions

CEO SUMMARY: Over the past 24 months, federal prosecutors have announced a steady parade of criminal convictions, guilty pleas, and settlement agreements involving fraud and clinical laboratory testing. Not only are these cases numerous, but some resolve legal actions initiated by the fed…

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Healthcare Fraud Cases Include Decades-Long Cases of Deceit

Healthcare fraud cases continue to receive harsh penalties from the federal government as indicated in the case of a California clinical laboratory owner and her husband who attempted to defraud the government of millions of dollars. Lourdes Navarro and husband Imran Shams attempted to defraud ins…

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Feds Target Genetic Test and Telemedicine Fraud

MEDICARE FRAUD TOTALING $562 MILLION in genetic and cardiovascular tests is at the heart of recent federal criminal cases involving telemedicine that names clinical laboratory owners, physicians, and healthcare marketers as defendants.  A host of indictm…

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