ivax diagnostics
Sigma-Aldrich, Ivax Diagnostics, i-STAT, Quest Diagnostics, Unilab
By Robert Michel | From the Volume IX No. 8 – June 3, 2002 Issue
SIGMA-ALDRICH SELLS ITS EIA PRODUCT LINE TO IVAX DIAGNOSTICS FOLLOWING ITS DECISION TO EXIT the clinical diagnostics market, Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. has sold its global enzyme immunoassay (EIA) product line to Ivax Diagnostics, Inc., based in Miami, Florida. Th…
Digene, Ivax Diagnostics, Myriad Genetics, Bioscientia, LabOne, Aetna
ROTARY CLUBS LAUNCH MEXICO-BASED CERVICAL SCREENING EFFORT IN MEXICO, Rotary International will attack the problem of cervical cancer among Mexican women by supporting a screening program that utilizes human papillomavirus (HPV) testing. Called “Test for Life,” the prog…
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