Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics




Managing Denials and Appeals of Clinical Lab, Path Claims

CEO SUMMARY: Based on a study of denials and appeals involving about 20 million lab test claims, the team at XiFin Inc. presents here their findings. They also provide recommendations on steps labs can take to reduce denials and win a greater proportion of appeals. IN RECENT…

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Problems with ICD-9 Codes Contribute to Coder Shortage

ALTHOUGH ICD-9 IS CONSIDERED inadequate to effectively meet the needs of today’s healthcare system, a number of hurdles prevent implementation of the proposed ICD-10 codes. Of equal significance is another problem intertwined with the inadequate ICD-9 coding system: a nationwide shortage of coders…

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Specialty Laboratories, Enterix, Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association

SPECIALTY LABORATORIES REPORTS THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORTS for Specialty Laboratories, Inc. show that the company is returning to a more normal routine, following the two unusual and unrelated events which hit it during 2002. Special…

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