clinical laboratory services
How Northwell’s Lab Team Demonstrated Value Over 10 Years
By Joseph Burns
CEO SUMMARY: Among hospital administrators, the popular wisdom is that their clinical lab is a cost center. This thinking leads them to consider drastic cost-management strategies that include partnering with commercial labs to manage in-hospital lab testing and the outright sale of lab o…
Alverno Labs Adds Eight Hospitals to Its Network
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVI No. 14 – October 14, 2019 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In September, Alverno Laboratories, one of the largest networks of regional laboratories in the Midwest, added two Chicago hospital laboratories and six other hospital labs from the AMITA Health system to its network. The additional AMITA Health facilities joined Alverno as a…
ASCP, CAP Ask Anthem to Roll Back Price Cuts
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXVI No. 13 – September 23, 2019 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: One association representing pathologists says new payment rates that Anthem, Inc., is introducing in 14 states do not cover the costs of performing anatomic pathology and clinical lab testing for the tests in question. Another association says the steep payment cuts threaten…
Michigan’s Ascension labs work together to align with a fully integrated health system
By Mary Van Doren | From the Volume XXV No. 13 – September 10, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Two trends are driving a movement to standardize laboratory operations across large regions: the integration of clinical care and the need for hospitals and health networks to continuously improve patient outcomes. THE DARK REPORT outlines an ambitious program in Michigan, wh…
Michigan’s Ascension to Standardize Labs Throughout the State
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXV No. 13 – September 10, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Two trends are driving a movement to standardize laboratory operations across large regions: the integration of clinical care and the need for hospitals and health networks to improve patient outcomes continuously. In Michigan, Ascension Health is an example of a lab team wor…
ProMedica, Sonic Form Lab Outreach Joint Venture
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXV No. 12 – August 20, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Fast-growing ProMedica Health System of Toledo, Ohio, agreed to a laboratory joint venture with Sonic Healthcare USA. As lab budgets and prices for lab tests are squeezed downward, ProMedica sees opportunity to add volume to this new core lab facility to improve efficiency an…
Medicare Fees Less Than Lab Costs to Serve SNFs?
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXV No. 1 – January 2, 2018 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Anticipating the negative financial impact of the Medicare 2018 Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule, a community lab company serving 24 nursing homes on the Jersey Shore stopped offering such services at the end of last year, a lab director told THE DARK REPORT. “The same forc…
September 18, 2017 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXIV No. 13 – September 18, 2017 Issue
Last week, 23andMe raised $250 million in a financing round led by Sequoia Capital. The company has an estimated value of $1.75 billion and has attracted $491 mill…
Lab Innovators Advocate Need for Clinical Lab 2.0
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXIV No. 2 – January 30, 2017 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: It is generally recognized that the clinical lab industry faces a financial squeeze of unprecedented dimensions. Lab test prices are falling steadily and more major cuts are coming to Medicare Part B fees in just 11 months. At the same time, obtaining favorable coverage and r…
Will Coming Medicare Fee Cuts Reduce Access to Laboratory Tests?
By Joseph Burns | From the Volume XXIII No. 16 – November 28, 2016 Issue
SEVERAL IMPORTANT clinical laboratory associations are concerned that the lab test price reporting under the Patient Access to Medicare Act of 2014 will have a negative effect on diagnostic innovation and on Medicare beneficiaries’ access to lab testing services. The American Clinical Laboratory A…
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