Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



clinical lab testing

New Clinical Lab Opens on March 23 and Prospers

CEO SUMMARY: Timing is everything when launching a new clinical laboratory business. The March 23 grand opening of Incyte Pathology’s clinical lab came in the midst of the collapse of daily routine specimen referrals. But once the lab was operational, Incyte had the capability, the …

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Regulators Acted Slowly as Labs Developed Tests for Coronavirus

WHEN THE FIRST DEATHS FROM THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS were reported in Seattle beginning on Feb. 29, Helen Chu, MD, MPH, took notice. An infectious disease expert at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Chu is a director with the Seattle Flu Study. Since…

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How Northwell’s Lab Team Demonstrated Value Over 10 Years

CEO SUMMARY: Among hospital administrators, the popular wisdom is that their clinical lab is a cost center. This thinking leads them to consider drastic cost-management strategies that include partnering with commercial labs to manage in-hospital lab testing and the outright sale of lab o…

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Judge Issues Split Ruling on Quest’s Motion to Dismiss

CEO SUMMARY: There have been significant developments in the case against Quest Diagnostics for allegedly overcharging uninsured patients for clinical laboratory tests. This second section covers the federal judge’s most recent decisions, along with an assessment of how the plaintiffs a…

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Lawsuits Allege LabCorp, Quest Overcharged Uninsured Patients

CEO SUMMARY: Court documents filed in U.S. District courts in New Jersey and North Carolina provide details about how each of the two lab companies set lab test prices differently—as much as 10 times higher—for cash-paying patients than for patients who have Medicare, Medicaid, or com…

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Lab Benefit Managers Want to Help Health Plans

CEO SUMMARY: Laboratory benefit management companies that offer a range of services to health insurers are gaining influence over clinical lab testing in important ways. On behalf of health insurers, LBMs will select labs for a payer’s network, then manage that network. They also manage…

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Lawsuits Alleging Overcharges to Proceed in Two Courts in 2020

CEO SUMMARY: Two lawsuits filed in federal courts against Laboratory Corporation of America and Quest Diagnostics may have consequences for the entire lab industry. The plaintiffs are patients who allege that the two defendant lab companies charged them as much as 10 times more than what …

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Strategist Explains Key Trends in Healthcare’s Transformation

CEO SUMMARY: Four trends are disrupting the nation’s healthcare system in ways that no one would have predicted just a few decades ago. Ted Schwab, a healthcare strategist, described these trends during his keynote presentation at the 24th Annual Executive War College in May. His insig…

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Alverno Labs Adds Eight Hospitals to Its Network

CEO SUMMARY: In September, Alverno Laboratories, one of the largest networks of regional laboratories in the Midwest, added two Chicago hospital laboratories and six other hospital labs from the AMITA Health system to its network. The additional AMITA Health facilities joined Alverno as a…

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Monitoring Patients on Opioids Is Opportunity for Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: When developing a program to identify and treat patients who misused opioids or needed chronic opioid therapy, Community Health Network (CHN) of Indianapolis recognized that clinical lab toxicology tests were one of the few sources of objective data about patient compliance….

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