Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


Cleveland Clinic

Global Computer Outage Shows Risk to Clinical Labs

CEO SUMMARY: Last Friday’s global computer outage was due to a faulty update to a widely used endpoint security software system. The level of disruption worldwide in air travel, commerce, and information processing was unprecedented. This incident highlights that there are risks when a …

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FDA Issues Memo to Reclassify Many High Risk IVD Assays


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Analytics Lets Labs Offset Staffing Woes

CEO SUMMARY: For hospital laboratories confronting worker shortages, data analytics can be useful for improving workflows and determining effective staffing levels. This information can also induce changes that may improve employee morale. Two experts discuss three analytics reports…

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July 18, 2022 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Given that monkeypox cases continue to rise, the federal government likewise is ramping up its response. In June, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began shipping monkeypox tests to five commercial laboratories: Aegis Science, Labcorp, Mayo Clinic La…

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Comment Period Closing on Federal Surprise Billing Rule

PATHOLOGY GROUPS AND CLINICAL LABS HAD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 7 to comment on an interim final rule that provides federal protections against surprise billing and limits out-of-network (OON) cost sharing under many of the circumstances in which surprise bills arise most frequently….

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July 6, 2021 Intelligence: Late-Breaking Lab News

Did the SARS-CoV-2 virus infect people in the United States earlier than the first case diagnosed on Jan. 19, 2020? A newly-published study in Clinical Infectious Diseases, says there is evidence of COVID-19 infections in December 2019. The research team included scientists from the Nationa…

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