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billing codes

CMS Adjustments for Medicare Fee Schedule Might Be Too Late

This is a summary of two articles in the Nov. 13, 2018 issue of THE DARK REPORT. The complete articles are available only to paid members of the Dark Intelligence Group. CEO SUMMARY: On Nov. 2, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its Physician Fee S…

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NILA, ACLA Respond to CMS 2019 Final Lab Rule

CEO SUMMARY: On Nov. 2, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released its Physician Fee Schedule for 2019. It says it will expand the number of labs from which it collects data about the lab test prices paid by private health insurers. While some labs may welcome these c…

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Palmetto GBA Issues Guidance On Billing NGS Test Panels

CEO SUMMARY: Across the lab industry, next generation sequencing is taking hold as an effective and efficient testing platform. In response, payers are developing coding and payment policies that may affect the finances of clinical labs. Last month, Palmetto GBA, a Medicare contractor, is…

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Phlebotomist Describes Questionable Lab Practices

CEO SUMMARY: While working in the office of a physician who was a client of Health Diagnostic Laboratory, a phlebotomist says he was instructed to write the same 10 diagnoses on every test requisition a doctor sent to HDL, a lab company in Richmond, Virginia. HDL is…

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New Federal Law Changes How CMS Sets Lab Prices

CEO SUMMARY: CMS wanted more power to cut the prices it pays for clinical lab testing. A significant part of the lab industry wanted more transparency and consistency in how CMS established coverage guidelines and prices for new lab tests. Congress appears to have attempted to craft a law…

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Siemens, BioImagene, Clarient University of Pennsylvania, Mayo Clinic

SIEMENS INVESTS IN DIGITAL PATHOLOGY, BUYS STAKE IN BIOIMAGENE IMAGING AND RADIOLOGY GIANT SIEMENS just made an interesting investment in digital pathology systems. On October 16, Siemens Venture Capital (SVC) revealed that it had purchased…

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Ohio Hospitals Prevail in Suit Against Federal Lab Claims

IT TOOK FIVE YEARS, but federal courts finally gave victory to the Ohio Hospital Association (OHA) in its long-running battle against federal regulators over laboratory test billing issues. Early last month, the OHA signed a settlement with the federal government which resolves the …

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Automated Pap Smear Screening Expected to Build Market Share

EXPECT 1999 TO BE A PIVOTAL YEAR in automated Pap smear screening. This new technology is now poised to enter general clinical usage. As it does, an increasing volume of clinical data will make the case: either automated screening of Pap smears is clinically effective and economically justified—or…

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