Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics


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Labs, Payers Don’t Like Prior Authorization for Genetic Tests

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Behind-the-Scenes Audits Often Hide Cause of Test Claim Denials

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Significant Developments Are Shaping Lab Market

CEO SUMMARY: With 140 speakers and 1,000+ attendees, this year’s Executive War College again provided a comprehensive picture of the specific forces reshaping the U.S. market for lab testing services. Presented here is a smorgasbord of information and innovation shared by different spea…

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Artificial Intelligence and Executive War College

By the time you read this our 29th annual Executive W…

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Are Lab Leaders Ready for Artificial Intelligence?


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Final Rule on AI Transparency Can Benefit Clinical Labs

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) AND MACHINE LEARNING are becoming ubiquitous in today’s modern hospital systems and clinical laboratories. In response to these developments, federal officials issued a new rule that has major implications on how healthcare providers use artificial intelligence. T…

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Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics Discuss Q4 & 2023 Earnings

DURING RECENT EARNINGS CALLS WITH FINANCIAL ANALYSTS AND INVESTORS, both Labcorp and Quest Diagnostics discussed their fourth quarter (Q4) and full year 2023 financial results. Each reported some stability in the market for clinical laboratory testing services, reflected in the numbe…

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Labs Should Prepare for Arrival of ‘Perfect Storm’

CEO SUMMARY: In the near future, clinical labs and pathology groups will need to address three major developments. One involves the FDA proposed LDT rule. A second is the adoption by payers of guidelines that require genetic test claims to have Z-Codes. The third centers around coming ref…

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HHS Publishes Final Rule for Health IT Interoperability

THERE IS A NEW FEDERAL RULE intended to improve interoperability and portability of patient information. This rule could be a significant benefit for clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups. In December, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Offi…

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Genetic Testing Firm Invitae Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Pursues Sale

INVITAE CORP., A MEDICAL GENETICS COMPANY, got the go ahead in mid-February from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey “to find a buyer and exit from Chapter 11 by late July,” Reuters reported. Invitae said in a news release that it…

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