Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics




Provider Performance Ranking Now Hitting Healthcare System

CEO SUMMARY: When 96 big corporations, employing 28 million people and spending $52 billion on healthcare, begin publishing hospital performance measurements so their employees can make informed choices, that’s big news! THE DARK REPORT predicts this is a major step toward detailed meas…

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LIS Vendors Moving to Internet

SALES OF LIS SYSTEMS SLOWED DURING 1999 due to concerns about Y2K problems. But the real story in the LIS arena was the impending arrival of technology that takes advantage of the Internet and the Web. Sales champs in THE DARK REPORT’s annual ranking of the Top Ten LIS Vendors for 1999 ar…

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“March 23, 1998 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Independent physician association (IPA) executives gathered in Orlando two weeks ago for the annual meeting of TIPAAA, The IPA Association of America. Because IPAs play an increasing role in contracting for laboratory services, THE DARK REPORT was in attendance to learn more about th…

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“June 2, 1997 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

With commercial laboratories pressing hospital laboratories for joint ventures, a unique selling proposition helps. MDS-AutoLab, Inc. of Canada has a different twist. They will not sell you their automated laboratory equipment. Instead, they offer it on a profit-sharing type of arran…

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