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workflow processes

Lab Test Utilization Delivers Big Gains at Cleveland Clinic

CEO SUMMARY: Since the launch of a laboratory test utilization program in 2011 at the Cleveland Clinic, more than 35,000 duplicate or inappropriate test orders have been stopped. The test utilization team introduced five initiatives that are not designed to cut spending but to in…

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Houston Lab Fills Gap For Katrina Evacuees

CEO SUMMARY: Literally overnight, Houston found itself dealing with tens of thousands of evacuees fleeing the destruction in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Many evacuees arrived in poor health. The Harris County Hospital District laboratorians of Houston pitched in to create an emerge…

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Point-of-Care Kiosk Improves Outcomes In Emergency Department

CEO SUMMARY: Steadily increasing numbers of patients at Massachusetts General Hospital exceeded the capacity of its emergency department. Challenged to help with the situation, lab administrators created a point-of-care testing kiosk within the emergency department (ED). This unique lab p…

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