whole genome sequence
January 14, 2019 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XXVI No. 1 – January 14, 2019 Issue
Up to 10,000 patients will get free genetic testing at Northwell Health, the nation’s largest urban health network. In a deal announced on Jan. 9, Northwell Health and Color, a genetic testing company, will collaborate on a program to offer geneti…
Whole Genome Sequencing: Is It Ready for Prime Time?
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 16 – November 15, 2010 Issue
CEO Summary: Pathologists at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, in a collaboration with GenomeQuest, Inc., will produce whole human genome sequences of patient tumors and other specimens. These whole genome sequences will be studied to learn what diagn…
“Primary-Care Pathology” One Goal at Beth Israel
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVII No. 15 – October 25, 2010 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: In a pioneering collaboration, the pathology department at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, will work with GenomeQuest, Inc., to perform whole genome sequencing of tumor specimens. GenomeQuest will handle sequencing, assembly, and annota…
2009’s Top Ten Lab Stories Reflect Some Good, Bad
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 17 – December 14, 2009 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: As the closing year of the first decade of the new century and the new millennium, 2009 brought neither disruption nor upheaval to the majority of laboratories in the United States. Rather, it was marked by at least two themes. One was how public disclosure of problems with l…
The $1,000 Genome and Laboratory Testing
By R. Lewis Dark | From the Volume XVI No. 16 – November 23, 2009 Issue
IT WAS 1953 WHEN JAMES D. WATSON AND FRANCIS CRICK, working from X-ray data collected by Rosalind Franklin, described the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. That discovery inspired scientists to begin investigating the genetic basis of life. In the 56 years since Watson and Crick published …
Costs Falling Swiftly for Whole Genome Sequence
By Robert Michel | From the Volume XVI No. 16 – November 23, 2009 Issue
CEO SUMMARY: Several companies want to be first to achieve the holy grail in sequencing: an accurate whole human genome sequence produced in an hour for $1,000. Complete Genomics announced earlier this month that it could sequence the full human genome for a materials cost of $4,400 (not …
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