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labotix automation

November 7, 2011 “Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Many experts were impressed when General Electric Co. ponied up $587 million to acquire pathology testing company Clarient, Inc., in October 2010. Now comes further insight behind this transaction. At an investment conference in Boston on November 3, John Dineen, CEO…

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LAB-InterLink Acquires Labotix Automation, Inc.

CEO SUMMARY: Here’s an interesting combination of expertise. LAB-InterLink has one of most sophisticated process control software products for running automated laboratory systems. Its acquisition of Labotix, resulting in the largest installed base of lab automation hardware in the Unit…

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“June 7, 1999 Intelligence: Late Breaking Lab News”

Another laboratorian has caught entrepreneur’s fever. Paul Gotcher accepted a position in April as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Advanced Pathology Systems, Inc. (PSI) of San Francisco. PSI is a start-up company developing enhanced microscopy techniques. Gotcher was mos…

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