Since 1995, Reliable Business Intelligence for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups and Laboratory Diagnostics



health information management

Sonora Quest Builds EMPI To Serve Patients and ACOs

CEO SUMMARY: Probably no state has seen a faster transition to ACOs, medical homes, and other types of integrated clinical care organizations than Arizona. Recognizing that this change created a new opportunity to add more value with clinical lab testing services, Sonora Quest Laboratorie…

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Problems with ICD-9 Codes Contribute to Coder Shortage

ALTHOUGH ICD-9 IS CONSIDERED inadequate to effectively meet the needs of today’s healthcare system, a number of hurdles prevent implementation of the proposed ICD-10 codes. Of equal significance is another problem intertwined with the inadequate ICD-9 coding system: a nationwide shortage of coders…

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Lab Competitors Pool Lab Data For Clinicians In British Columbia

CEO SUMMARY: In British Columbia, two commercial laboratory competitors have found common ground. BC Biomedical Laboratories and MDS Metro Laboratories are using LOINC to link their laboratory test databases. Physicians use a single system to access their patient’s test results, regardl…

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