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clia numbers

UnitedHealth to Start Gene Test Pre-Approval

CEO SUMMARY: With programs now at the nation’s two largest insurers, is it possible to argue that prior-authorization is going mainstream? Some observers say, yes, as THE DARK REPORT predicted. What is certain is that starting Nov. 1, UnitedHealthcare is requiring prior authorization fo…

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Existing CLIA Language Drives PT Enforcement

CEO SUMMARY: Revocation of a lab’s CLIA license as penalty for inadvertent errors in handling proficiency tests (PT) is not a new problem. As explained here, most clinical laboratories have appropriate protocols for handling PT samples. But, when errors occur, the Centers for Medicare &…

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Labs Should Prepare for Tighter CLIA Enforcement

CEO SUMMARY: Lab directors and pathologists should take notice of disturbing new developments in enforcement of CLIA regulations. During the past year, CMS officials have revoked the CLIA certification of several hospital laboratories for what are, essentially, inadvertent violations of p…

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