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clinical lab scientist

Use of Creatinine to Improve Diagnosis, Treatment of AKI

INNOVATIVE CLINICAL LABS are making significant changes to accommodate the shift from volume to values. In one change, they are collaborating with clinicians to use lab test data to improve patient outcomes. In another, they are collecting the clinical data from these efforts to publish the outcomes…

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Diagnostic Error Rate Of 21% Revealed By Mayo Clinic Study

CEO SUMMARY: Researchers at the Mayo Clinic showed that only 12% of patients referred to Mayo physicians for a second opinion got a confirmation that their original diagnosis was complete and correct. In 21% of the cases, the diagnosis was completely changed. Among patients who got additi…

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Health Insurers Want More Data On Clinical Utility of Molecular, Genetic Tests

CEO SUMMARY: Genetic tests that lack two essentials are troublesome for the nation’s health insurers. Those essentials are clinical validity and clinical utility. During a recent webinar, two executives from major health insurers stressed the need for genetic testing labs to provide acc…

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University of Michigan Pathologists Bet on Patient-Centered Care

CEO SUMMARY: At the University of Michigan Medical Center, the Department of Pathology is learning new ways to add value that include face-to-face meetings with patients as part of UMMC’s patient- and family-centered care initiative. One lesson learned is that patients appreciate the op…

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Clinical Labs Bidding Up Lab Director Salaries

CEO SUMMARY: There’s great news for pathologists and PhDs with expertise in molecular and genetic testing. Salaries are on the rise as more clinical labs build up their molecular and genetic testing programs and need talent to implement and supervise this activity. One experienced medic…

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Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos Speaks at AACC To Skeptical PhDs, Pathologists, and Press

CEO SUMMARY: Elizabeth Holmes, Founder and CEO of Theranos, Inc., was given the ideal platform by AACC to show the science behind her lab company’s much-touted diagnostic technologies. But in a surprise to the assembled audience, Holmes, accompanied by three PhDs on her team, chose to d…

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Pathologists Exploring Use of Diagnostic Teams

CEO SUMMARY: In the search for ways to add more value to lab testing services, pathologists and lab administrators are considering organizing diagnostic management teams within their hospitals. Such teams focus on complex cases and include…

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Existing CLIA Language Drives PT Enforcement

CEO SUMMARY: Revocation of a lab’s CLIA license as penalty for inadvertent errors in handling proficiency tests (PT) is not a new problem. As explained here, most clinical laboratories have appropriate protocols for handling PT samples. But, when errors occur, the Centers for Medicare &…

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Inadvertent PT “Errors” Trigger CLIA Sanctions

CEO SUMMARY: Despite taking appropriate steps to complete proficiency testing (PT), in recent years an unknown number of labs were determined to be in violation of CLIA requirements. Federal regulators are enforcing penalties ranging from suspension of the labs’ licenses to transition t…

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Got a Lab Test Question? Call an ASCLS Lab Guru!

CEO SUMMARY: Each year since its launch in 2001, the ASCLS Consumer Response Team serves increasing numbers of patients and physicians. Clinical Laboratory Scientist volunteers from the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science provide answers and help patients understand …

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